moving is hard.

I moved to Houston in September. If you didn't know, now you do! Guess I better update my About Me section too... I'll do that next. Moving wasn't easy, especially because I thrive in the country and Georgetown was serving me well. But life throws curveballs and you have to be willing to give and take what you get, so here I am! It's been a wild ride so far, and I am incredibly thankful to my amazing friends who have made this move as painless as possible.


I moved to Houston in September. If you didn't know, now you do! Guess I better update my About Me section too... I'll do that next. Moving wasn't easy, especially because I thrive in the country and Georgetown was serving me well. But life throws curveballs and you have to be willing to give and take what you get, so here I am! It's been a wild ride so far, and I am incredibly thankful to my amazing friends who have made this move as painless as possible.

it's fall y'all.

Had to, sorry. It's my favorite fall saying and since you won't find me drinking anything resembling a PSL (except a pumpkin cream cold brew), that's what you get! Memorial Park is an oasis in a concrete landscape. Every time I am there, I feel like I am back in my element. I love finding new trails and exploring new places for photos so if you have any recommendations, send them my way! Without further ado, I will get on with the photos from this fun, mini, and in the words of James: "painless", fall shoot!